Monday, July 7, 2014

Dynamic parameterization

Problem is to get dynamic proxy name and details (username,password) based on the different load generator machine. These machines could be in different zones with having different proxy servers.

Following code helps in getting the proxy details based on the current machine. Same solution can be used when we have to pick the substitution from the parameter list based on any condition. One example could be a search term. Say for Example I have n number of search term some search terms are invalid. Our requirement could be if a search term is invalid run the search query for same user with different search term.

int i, result;
char *current_host;
current_host = lr_get_host_name();
lr_output_message("The Actual Host is %s", current_host);
//Run the loop based on the number hosts you have in the parameter list
lr_output_message("Current Host being verified is %s"lr_eval_string("{Host_Name}"));

lr_output_message("Setting the Username (%s), Password (%s) & Domain Name (%s) related to Host Name (%s)"lr_eval_string("{User_Name}"),lr_eval_string("{Password}"), lr_eval_string("{Domain}"), lr_eval_string("{Host_Name}"));
lr_output_message("Current Host evaluated is (%s) not matching with actual host"lr_eval_string("{Host_Name}"));

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